

Nunavut Is A World-Class Destination For Expert Sea Kayaking.

The venues are endless. With an experienced guide, from communities such as Igloolik, Kimmirut, Naujaat, Pangnirtung, Clyde River, Sanirajak and Pond Inlet, you can explore rocky shorelines and fiords, view walrus and other marine mammals, touch an iceberg and take fantastic photographs while traversing arctic waters as the Inuit have done for thousands of years.

During the spring runoff, whitewater kayaking takes place on rapid Nunavut waterways such as the Sylvia Grinnell River located near Iqaluit and the Soper Heritage River located near Kimmirut.

The summer sea is still dangerously cold water, the tides are large, the currents are strong, the weather can be unpredictable, ice floes can drift quickly in the wind and bowhead whales and narwhals sometimes appear unexpectedly.

The Inuktitut word for whitecaps is ‘qagaaqtuq’ and ‘uqsuaqtuq’ means smooth, calm seas.

Outfitters will safely guide you to the floe edge in the late spring and early summer.

Always exercise caution in your kayak and be properly dressed with protective neoprene clothing.

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