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Canada’s youngest territory, whose unsurpassed beauty is found in scenic landscapes and picturesque hamlets, leaves travellers with a once in a lifetime experience. Alive with a rich history and captivating society, Nunavut is a vibrant and diverse territory deeply rooted in tradition, culture and arts. The welcome is warm in Nunavut.

Planning a corporate retreat?  A conference or convention?  How about an unforgettable destination for an incentive trip? Nunavut has everything you need to make your next event a success.   With newly renovated meeting and convention space and updated accommodation, our hospitality is on par with southern destinations.  Nunavut also has one of the lowest taxes in Canada and with a thriving Economy driven by Mining and Tourism, having a conference in Nunavut just makes cents…

With a newly renovated airport underway, accessing Nunavut is easier than ever before.  Daily flights from Ottawa and tri-weekly flights from Winnipeg, Montréal and Edmonton will put you in the Capital or in one of the regional centres in a few hours.  From there, local flights up-island or to target destinations are scheduled regularly.

Quick Facts on Nunavut

  • Population: 31906 (smallest in Canada)
  • Area: 2,038,722 square kilometres (nearly 25% of Canada)
  • Sales Tax: Only GST is collected
  • Official Languages: 4 (Inuktitut, Innuinnaqtun, English, and French)
  • Nunavut has 5 National Parks and 4 Heritage Rivers

In Nunavut, we have the most unique and impressive landscapes to go along with equally inspiring and unique experiences that can be found nowhere else in Canada. Picture your top performers and achievers travelling overland via dog sled to the floe edge or rafting down an historic river to the mouth of the Arctic Ocean. Or after a helicopter flight over the fjords of Clyde River, curl up in front of a fire in your luxurious private Yurt. The raw, untamed, unspoiled beauty of Nunavut, combine with authentic experiences that are both culturally significant and diverse to make an adventure that will inspire and keep your star players talking long into the night.

With a winter season that extends well into April, the best time to take advantage of Nunavut is in the spring and summer. The spring is a very special time for the territory, as we awaken from our long winter. This awakening brings new life and warmer temperatures to the varied landscapes of Nunavut and with it, a chance to experience distinct opportunities. With luxury operators such as Arctic Watch, Black Feather, and Arctic Kingdom, booking customized packages that cater to the needs of your leaders and power players has never been easier. With full amenities, signature adventures and customizable gourmet itineraries that always keep our unique culture at the forefront, Nunavut delivers.

Call us at (867)979-6551 if you’re interested in hosting an event in Nunavut.

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