Welcome To Your Arctic Adventure Of A Lifetime!

Welcome To The Youngest Territory Of Canada, Settled Over Four Thousand Years Ago, Recognized As Distinctly Canadian In 1999.

Nunavummiut are pleased to invite visitors into the Territory –  one of the largest unspoiled natural paradises on the planet. Come here and see arctic wildlife, immerse in the Inuit way of life, explore the top of the world and be dazzled by the vivid dancing hues of the Aurora Borealis.



The first thing that will wow you about Nunavut is its size.  It is the largest yet least populated of all the provinces and territories in Canada, with over 1 million square kilometres and a population of approximately 33,330 people. Up here you will be surrounded by wide open spaces and warm welcomes.

Getting to Nunavut can only be done by air or sea. No communities are linked by roads – the skies are the highways in Nunavut!

Comprising most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, about one fifth of the total landmass of the nation, Nunavut is the size of Western Europe. Nunavut can only be accessed by air and sea.

True North

This is the true north. As beautiful as it is vast.  Apart from experiencing its awe-inspiring arctic landscapes, visitors gain a very memorable impression of Nunavut that comes directly from the gracious warmth and hospitality of the remarkable people who live here. This deep-rooted social value is eternal. To live and survive up here, you need a sense of collectivity, respect and mutual reliance. Thats what will make Northerners stand out.

In traditional Inuit culture, the ethic of sharing is of foremost importance.

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