Training Courses

Travel Nunavut is pleased to offer training and learning opportunities for our members. Check back here often for updates on course offerings. Some of these are offered free of charge for members. If you are interested in any of these courses, or have a suggestion for a course, please let us know!

Marketing Training

Marketing your business is so important and can sometimes seem overwhelming with everything else you have to do. We’ve developed some workshops designed to give you some tips and tricks to help you market your business.

Know your audience


A brand is not a logo


Post-Covid Product Development

Working safely during COVID-19


How to use Facebook to increase your sales


Facebook statistics, Ads and contests

EMerit Tourism Training

With eMerit training solutions, you can be confident that you or your employees have mastered a range of skills needed in the tourism and hospitality industry. Developed by industry, for industry, eMerit delivers the collective expertise of Canadian and international tourism professionals.

When you or your business is certified through eMerit, it earns a prestigious, national credential that identifies you as a true professional and recognizes that you have the skills, knowledge, pride, and dedication of a quality tourism business.

Based on industry-validated National Occupational Standards, all eMerit training is focused on building real skills—not just memorizing information. Online learning offers the ultimate in easy to use, portable, and engaging professional development. Accessible anywhere, anytime, eMerit online learning is self-directed, enabling you or your employees to learn as you can fit it in.

Learn more about eMerit

Clean It Right

Clean It Right is a new training program launched by Manitoba Tourism Education Council and offered to Travel Nunavut members. It is designed to provide awareness and education on cleaning your establishment with the short-term goal of re-gaining consumer confidence in returning to your establishment.

The goal of the program to increase the safety of guests, visitors and the workforce in the Tourism, Hospitality and Retail industry. This will help reassure customers that may be hesitant to travel, shop and eat out during the post COVID-19 period.

There are four custom modules:

  • Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts
  • Restaurants and Food Services
  • Retail Businesses
  • Offices & Service Centres

Clean It Right is NOT a program designed to teach participants how to be cleaners, or to replace internal policies and procedures. It is a program to teach cleaners and staff when, where and how frequently cleaning is required to provide a safe environment for customers and employees considering our current situation with COVID-19. It is also a program with long term benefits for your business. The commitment to a clean and safe environment will give your business a competitive edge now and in the future.

Businesses that train all of their cleaning staff will receive a window decal to show the public they are committed to provide a clean and safe environment.

Who Should Take The Training?
This training is definitely for the staff or contractors that clean, but the cleaners could never keep up with the scope and frequency required to have a safe and clean business.

It is recommended that those who are typically “non-cleaning” staff also take this training.

Cost & Fees
Clean It Right is FREE to businesses in the tourism, hospitality and retail industry until June 1, 2021! The program is delivered on-line, in the classroom or self-study.

A certificate will be issued and a wallet-sized, laminated card will be mailed to them.

To register :

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