Organization Info And Bylaws

Travel Nunavut is governed by an elected, voluntary Board of Directors. In addition, five ex-officio positions are reserved for the Department of Economic Development & Transportation, Territorial Parks, Parks Canada, NTI and Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor).  In March of 2012, ED&T decided that it would not have a full-time ex-officio on any NGO Board, and now attends meetings only quarterly.

Directors are elected to represent the following tourism sectors: Hunting, Fishing, Transportation, Adventure & Eco-tourism, Accommodations and Cruises, plus three non-sector positions. Two-year terms are elected on a staggered basis of 4 positions one year and 5 the following year to maintain some Board consistency.  The executive of the Board is elected on a yearly basis at a meeting immediately after the Annual General Meeting.  The executive consists of three positions – Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer.

Please note that in the fall of 2012, Travel Nunavut implemented a full electronic voting system for the Board. This gives all members the opportunity to vote for the Board whether they are able to attend the AGM or not.



Download the most recent Travel Nunavut Bylaws in English :

Nunavut Tourism Bylaws – English Updated November 2020

Register of Motions – 2019-2020

The following is a list of motions passed at Board meetings during the 2019-20 fiscal year. This will give you an idea of some of the activities the Board discusses at their meetings.

Register of Motions 2019-2020 – English

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