Sirmilik Glaciers and Hoodoos

Wildlife Viewing


Black Feather is pleased to offer the only scheduled hiking expedition to Sirmilik National Park on Bylot Island (located north of Baffin Island near Pond Inlet). Bylot, a large uninhabited island, offers some of the best hiking in the Arctic. Ice-capped towering mountains, lush tundra valleys, glaciers, and unique, eroded rock formations called "hoodoos" showcase the incredible variety of terrain and landscapes the island has to offer.

Departing by chartered motor boat, we will leave Pond Inlet and cross Eclipse Sound. Bylot Island looms before us, filling our eyes and senses. It is a stunning and impressive sight. We will land on a deserted sandy beach where we will begin hiking and exploring - seeking out the features make this such a special and magical island. This island sanctuary contains fifty different species of birds (of which thirty are known to breed), and is also known to contain more than three hundred species of plant life. Most of the hiking will be over grassy and mossy tundra, as well as some rocky moraine fields. The route chosen will also involve several stream and small river crossings.

Group size will be kept small to ensure the least-possible impact on the fragile environment. We will make the most of the constant daylight that still exists at this time of year. Explore with us one of the Arctic’s most-amazing and beautiful islands.

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Black Feather, the Wilderness Adventure Company

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